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How fast and how much can termites eat.

How much can termites eat and how fast? Tough questions because the answers depend on so many variables such as: the type of termites, the size of the colony, the geographic location, even the kind of wood attacked.

It takes several years for a subterranean termite colony to reach a mature size of about 60,000 workers. This colony will eat only 5.66 grams of wood a day. At this rate the colony could consume more than 300mm of a pine 50mm X 100mm board in six months. An average-sized subterranean colony contains about 300,000 workers. Laboratory studies suggest that a colony of this size can consume approximately 6.7 lineal metres feet of a 50mm X 100mm in one year.

Some Coptotermes sp. subterranean termite colonies, that occur in Australia, are much larger and much more destructive. A medium-sized colony of 3 million Coptotermes Spp termites could eat 300mm of that 50mm X 100mm board in only two days. In colder regions, termites are less active during the winter months. Obviously, the amount of feeding damage drops off as well. But in warmer regions or in heated locations, termites can remain active and continue to feed all year round.

It’s almost impossible to give a definitive answer to the question, “How much do termites eat?” While we tell our customers not to panic if they have termites (their house is not going to fall down tomorrow), we tell them not to ignore the problem either. The termites aren’t going away. Your home is probably your biggest investment and you don’t want to take chances with termites.

The most effective way to rid your home of termites is to consult a pest control expert who can help identify the problem and the extent of the damage, rid your home of termites and lay down additional measures to protect you against future infestations. If you have termites in your home or you want to prevent termites from further damaging your home, Crunch Pest Control has the best termite remedies for you. Please contact us to find out how our accredited termite experts can help protect your home against troubling termite infestations.

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